
Allow public access to a file in a protected directory using .htaccess Within your website structure, there are many times when you may want to protect directories from... Block a country from your site using htaccess cPanel has an IP blocking mechanism to help you secure your site from individuals who you deem... Forcing a file to download in a browser via htaccess The .htaccess file is a hidden text file within your hosting account that can be very powerful.... How to Add mod_expires to your .htaccess When visiting a website, the website will cache in your browser. This cache can be controlled by... How to Change Your Default Timezone in .htaccess The .htaccess file is a hidden text file within your hosting account that can be very powerful.... How to Change your Default Index Page in .htaccess The server looks for specifically named files as the first page of your website, also known as... How to Force www or non-www in htaccess Many customers at some point request to force either the www or non-www version of their site to... How to password protect a single file with htaccess The .htaccess file is a powerful tool where many behind the scene things are handled. In addition... Learn how to use the .htaccess file Htaccess files are hidden plain text files that are on the server to help control how your... Removing file extensions using htaccess Lately, there seems to be a trend where designers want to cloak their file extensions from their... Where is my .htaccess File? In this article we will show you where your account's .htaccess file resides on the server, as...
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